Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A One on One with Editor in Chief of Facon Magazine

The goal of “Facon Magazine” is to promote emerging designers and beauty brands.  Editor-in-Chief, Janice Wallace credits the continuing success of the magazine to her life journey and loyal team.  If you're a supporter of indie fashion and creation,  you will enjoy this article.

Read the full story here.  

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Special Giveaway! Thanks for Reading!

Happy Sunday Everyone!

Thank you so much for reading and supporting AskKirbyCarroll.net.  I recently wrote an article on Morena Bella Skincare, a skincare line created specifically for women of color.  Well, Morena Bella Skincare connected with me and would like one of our readers to try  the products for FREE!  I'm reviewing them as well, so I figured we could try it together.

There is one simple rule, you have to be subscribed to my blog.  If you are getting this in your email, you're good, if not make sure you go here http://feeds.feedburner.com/Askkirbycarroll and subscribe.  Second, shoot me a note or mention via social media that you're interested.  All names will be entered into a system that will randomly pick a winner Sunday! '

Good luck!
Oh and don't forget #AKC question tonight!  Have a great day! :)

IG/TWITTER @askKirbyCarroll
FACEBOOK: Kirby Wright